In order to get pregnant, ovulation must occur. Women who have regular cycles can usually assume that ovulation is happening with some regularity. Assuming a 28 day interval between cycles, most women will ovulate mid cycle around days 10-14. Timing intercourse around the days of ovulation will result in pregnancy most of the time. When ovulation occurs at irregular intervals, it can sometimes be helpful to use another method to determine the ideal time to plan intercourse for the purpose of conceiving.
Ovulation tests include the basal body temperature charting or ovulation predictor kits. These options are explored below:
Basal Body Temperature Charting
Women typically experience an increase in the body temperature during ovulation. Using this information, you can chart daily temperatures to gauge when you’re ovulating. Simply take your temperature in the morning before getting out of bed. A woman’s temperature usually rises by 0.5ºF to 1.0ºF after ovulation. While basal body temperature patterns may seem useful, they can be difficult to interpret and are generally NOT recommended.
Ovulation Predictor Kits
Before ovulation occurs, the luteinizing hormone (LH) will increase quickly. This rise in LH typically occurs about 36 hours prior to ovulation and can be detected in urine. Over-the-counter urine tests can be performed at home. These kits fail to detect the surge in LH about 15 percent of the time.
Progesterone Levels
A blood test drawn around Day 21 of the cycle remains the most reliable test to determine if ovulation has occurred. Call the office today to explore options for testing ovulation.